Indian Idol contestant Ravinder Ravi releases debut album `jatt lutiya gaya' By Karan Kapoor,
Ludhiana: Call it destiny or a true rags to riches story, but the fact remains that Ravinder Ravi, who started life as a wall painter is today a pop idol. The journey to fame started with the reality talent hunt show –Indian Idol, and Ravinder recently made his mark in the world of commercialmusic with the launch of his debut album `jatt lutiya gaya'. lady look came knocking at his door, soon enough and in one giant leap, he made the transition from his one-room tenement to the glittering world of show biz. Illiterate, for having never attended a school in his life, today, Ravi stands as a real `idol' for the young, and wants that more such platforms like the one that catapulted him to stardom and fame, be provided to help others display their hidden talents. Performing at his hometown to tell the world about his debut album, he says, is a dream come true. “Every person wants to move forward, but because of certain cramping conditions didn't sometimes they don’t succeed. It was the same with me as well. The television talent hunt shows have been encouraging the singers, who were facing hurdles. I personally think such shows must go on,” says Ravinder Ravi. It was `Arjun Music World', a new music company that launched Ravinder's voice worldwide. Starring former Miss Norway Anne Lena Hansen and model Amandeep Dhaliwal, the song `Norwaych Lutiya Gaya' was shot in Barcelona in Spain. The album of eight songs is made up of romantic, qawali, emotional and songs in quick tempo and beat. While `Indian idol' provided him the platform to be recognised as an upcoming star, it was the album `Jatt Lutiya Gaya', which made him rule the hearts of his audience, and in spite of his pre-eminent position in the music world today, he has not forgotten his struggling days. “I even had no money to buy a bicycle and people were not very friendly. My relatives too ignored me. Now all that has changed and everyone is so co-operative and relations, so loving,” he said. Some people have all the luck in the world. And there are others who have none. Despite their best efforts, they can only fall back on their fate. Ravinder Ravi is one of the few who have had luck favour them, and he aspires to derive the best out of it.
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